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UVT joins hands with Google: launching a big data training program

UVT recently announced the launch of a Big Data Analytics Training Program in partnership with Google. The program is designed to enhance the skills of students and professionals in the field of big data to address the challenges and opport...

UVT Launches Career Transition Support Program for Veterans

Recently, UVT announced the launch of a new career transition support program for veterans, aiming to help them smoothly transition to civilian careers and achieve professional success. This program has received widespread support and prais...

UVT Partners with Leading Companies to Promote Skills Training and Employment Opportunities

To better connect skills training with employment opportunities, UVT recently announced partnerships with several top-tier companies to launch a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing students employability. This effort is designed to equ...

UVT and WHO Collaborate: Launching Global Health Management Online Courses

In response to global health challenges, UVT and the World Health Organization have announced a collaboration to launch a series of global health management online courses, aimed at cultivating future leaders and professionals in health man...

UVT Launches Women's Leadership Development Program: Empowering Professional Women to Overcome C

Recently, UVT officially launched an important initiative called the Womens Leadership Development Program. This program aims to help professional women overcome career bottlenecks and enhance their career development capabilities. The init...

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