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UVT’s Important Dates & Timeline


Stay updated with UVT’s essential dates and timelines. This calendar guide aims to keep all our candidates informed about upcoming events, enrollment periods, examination schedules, and more.

2023 Key Dates

Date Event/Activity
January 15 Begin Enrollment for Basic Vocational Certification
March 1 Deadline for Basic Vocational Certification Enrollment
April 10-15 Examinations for Basic Vocational Certification
June 20 Results Announcement for Basic Vocational Certification
July 1 Advanced Vocational Certification Enrollment Opens
August 25 Deadline for Advanced Vocational Certification Enrollment
September 20-25 Examinations for Advanced Vocational Certification
November 10 Results Announcement for Advanced Vocational Certification
December 1 Year-End Evaluation and Feedback Session

Upcoming in 2024

  • January 10: Professional Mastery Certification Enrollment Begins
  • March 1: Training Courses and Schedule Release
  • June 1: Introduction to New Certification Categories
  • August 5: International Cooperation and Exchange Conference

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For real-time updates and notifications on essential dates, we recommend subscribing to our newsletter or connecting with our official social media channels.

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