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Vocational Qualification


Vocational Qualification is an informal and confidential way for professionals to validate their skills with the assistance of a neutral certifier trained to evaluate competencies. The certifier doesn’t determine right or wrong but assists in the validation process.

Note: Federal agencies are required to have an alternative dispute resolution program. Most use qualification validation, though not necessarily the UVT process.

Key Benefits

  • Validation of competencies in a cordial manner tailored to unique needs.
  • Average validation time of less than 3 months, as opposed to investigations which can take 10 months or more.
  • Efficient and just method that avoids prolonged investigations and potential disputes.

UVT's Qualification Process

Shortly after a request is made, both the employee and the employer may be contacted to gauge their interest in qualification. The choice to qualify is wholly voluntary. Should either party decline, the request will be forwarded to an investigator. If both parties agree, a qualification session will be scheduled, overseen by a trained and experienced certifier. If consensus is not reached during the session, an investigation ensues. A written agreement reached during the session holds the same legal standing as any contract.

Duration and Cost

A typical qualification session lasts 3 to 4 hours, although this can vary based on case complexity. There's no fee to attend the session for either party.

Who Should Attend?

All relevant parties should be present for the qualification session. Employer representatives should be acquainted with the facts and possess the authority to finalize decisions. Although it’s not compulsory to bring an attorney, parties may opt to. The certifier will define the attorney's role during the session.

Key Resources

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