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UVT builds future education standards with global universities to enhance students' interdiscipl

UVT has announced partnerships with institutions around the world that aim to drive the future, enhance students interdisciplinary education, and provide solutions to the challenges of globalizing universities and technological change. The...

UVT Partners with Global Certification Bodies to Support Professional Qualification and Career Develo

UVT announced a deep partnership with several leading global certification bodies to expand professional qualification channels and enhance the global recognition of talent in various industries. This collaboration will focus on flexibility...

UVT Partners with Multiple Organizations to Promote Industry Certification and Qualification Enhancem

UVT announced its collaboration with several industry organizations, certification bodies, and enterprises to promote the development of industry standards and qualification systems. This partnership aims to enhance both corporate and indiv...

UVT Partners with Leading Global Tech Companies to Drive Innovative Solutions

UVT announced a strategic partnership with several leading global tech companies to jointly develop and promote cutting-edge innovative solutions. This collaboration aims to leverage the strengths and resources of both parties to advance te...

UVT Collaboration Drives Innovation in Professional Certification

UVT has recently entered into strategic partnerships with several renowned educational institutions and technology companies to drive innovation in the field of professional certification. This collaboration focuses on enhancing the quality...

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