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UVT Initiatives

VQTech Insight

This initiative ensures that the integration of software, encompassing artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other advanced technologies into vocational training and skill assessment, aligns with the educational and professional standards set by UVT.


In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education, UVT is re-envisioning vocational training and apprenticeship programs to guarantee equal access and opportunities for all individuals, prioritizing a diverse and competent workforce.


The FutureVoc initiative is a nationwide educational and awareness campaign focused on empowering the upcoming generation with vocational skills, ensuring equal employment opportunities for all.


The SPECTRUM Initiative aims to enhance UVT's dedication to ensuring all vocational training environments are free from discrimination based on ethnicity and origin. This involves recognizing challenges, pinpointing barriers contributing to discrimination, refining administrative processes, and increasing public awareness about the importance of a diverse and inclusive vocational environment.


ENABLE (Empowerment for the Vocational Advancement of Individuals with Disabilities) represents UVT's commitment to addressing the underrepresentation of individuals with disabilities in vocational professions. This initiative's primary objective is to notably augment the number of individuals with disabilities acquiring vocational skills and subsequently joining the workforce.