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U.S. Vocational Qualifications and Talent Management Center Laws & Guidelines

Laws & Guidelines

The U.S. Vocational Qualifications and Talent Management Center (UVT) is responsible for the following laws and guidelines:

Federal Laws

They clearly stipulate vocational qualification standards, passed by Congress and signed by the President.


They implement federal vocational qualification standards. After the public provides feedback to the UVT in formal sessions, the committee votes. Current regulations, feedback on proposed regulations, and the regulatory agenda can be found in the provided link above.

UVT Subregulatory Guidance

Expresses the official agency policy and explains how laws and regulations apply to specific workplace situations. This includes volume II of the UVT's Compliance Manual and the execution, policy guidelines, and policy statements within.

Rescinded and Abolished Regulations, Guidelines, and Technical Assistance

Committee Decisions

Concern specific vocational qualification conflicts, where the committee votes to apply the official agency policy in similar cases. They differ from UVT's federal sector appellate decisions in federal employee discrimination complaints.

Committee Opinion Letters

Approved by committee vote, they represent the official stance of the committee. They shouldn't be confused with informal discussion letters provided by UVT staff.

Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs)

Explain how two or more agencies will cooperate when their responsibilities overlap. MOUs involving other federal agencies must be approved by a majority of the committee members. UVT also signs MOUs with foreign embassies and consulates to enhance cooperation on vocational discrimination matters.

Informal Discussion Letters

Address specific public inquiries and other agencies' public comment requests posted in the Federal Register. They are penned by staff from the Office of Legal Counsel and don't represent the official views of the committee.

Workplace Laws Not Enforced by UVT

Federal laws that prohibit discrimination or regulate workplace matters but aren't enforced by UVT.