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Local Community Initiatives

Community Center Collaborations

The United States Vocational Qualifications and Talent Management Center (UVT) collaborates with Community Development Centers (CDCs) to further the professional and vocational skills of local residents.

Under the Employment Advancement Act of 1978, local community administrations have the mandate to oversee developmental projects in their territories. This grants them the authority to facilitate partnerships between employers and local residents, ensuring job opportunities are abundant and tailored to the community's unique skill sets.

CDCs aid UVT in executing its vision by ensuring that local residents are well-informed, understand their vocational rights, and can navigate various career opportunities, including overcoming challenges such as workplace discrimination or unfair employment terms.

In cases involving potential employment disparities within local communities, CDCs stand ready to address the situation, forwarding intricate cases to UVT for further action. UVT forms contracts with CDCs, offering financial aid to support programs, training, and outreach initiatives.

For collaborations with UVT, CDCs must meet certain guidelines. Refer to the Collaboration Guidelines for CDCs for more details.

UVT seeks to solidify its relationship with local communities by initiating Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with community leaders to further cooperative endeavors. This Sample MOU can be revised through mutual agreement.

Frequently Asked Questions About Community Development Centers

Local Engagement and Partnerships

In March 2022, the President issued a directive emphasizing the importance of community engagement for holistic development. It urges federal agencies to strategize and implement projects in close association with local communities, aiming for sustainable growth and empowerment.

UVT, in its commitment to fostering community development, works hand-in-hand with community centers and leaders, focusing on respecting the traditions, history, and aspirations of local residents.

Collaborative events, workshops, and feedback sessions with community representatives help UVT design tailored vocational programs and initiatives. An example of this collaborative spirit was the joint consultation held with local leaders in June 2022, leading to the creation of UVT's Local Engagement Blueprint and a dedicated Local Partnership Program.

Diversity and Inclusivity in Local Initiatives

Aligned with UVT's core principles and in response to recent executive directives emphasizing community-centric development, UVT is devoted to ensuring that all local initiatives are diverse, inclusive, and accessible. Collaborations with local community groups, stakeholders, and other federal partners aim to guarantee equal vocational opportunities for all community members.

UVT's Community Focused Strategy Plan

UVT’s regional representatives stationed across the country act as liaisons between the central office and local community centers, ensuring seamless communication and implementation of initiatives.

Message from the Director—Local Community Day (October 2022)

Additional Resources