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UVT is Committed to Advancing the Internationalization of Vocational Education Through Digital Technology

As the global digital wave continues to surge, vocational education faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities. UVT has keenly observed this trend, recognizing that the application of digital technology can do more than just improve teaching efficiency—it has the potential to revolutionize traditional teaching methods and content. To achieve this, UVT plans to develop a suite of digital tools, including a robust online learning platform, immersive virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) teaching applications, and AI-driven personalized learning systems. These technologies will enable students to access flexible and effective vocational training worldwide, breaking free from the constraints of traditional education models and offering a truly borderless learning experience.
In addition, UVT is actively building and expanding its international collaboration network, with the goal of creating a global vocational education ecosystem. UVT is partnering with several renowned international vocational education institutions, tech companies, and industry organizations to jointly develop vocational courses and certification systems that meet international standards. Such collaborations not only enhance students’ vocational skills and global competitiveness but also provide vocational education institutions around the world with opportunities to share resources and learn from each other, fostering coordinated development in global vocational education.
To ensure students receive a comprehensive vocational education, UVT’s internationalization strategy also includes joint training programs with top foreign universities and companies. Through these programs, students can gain hands-on experience in leading global companies, accumulating valuable practical knowledge and understanding the vocational demands of different countries and regions. These training opportunities not only better prepare students to meet the challenges of a globalized workforce but also develop their international perspective and cross-cultural communication skills.

The UVT president emphasized the importance of the internationalization of vocational education, noting that the trend of global economic integration demands that education systems adapt to new needs. Digital technology will play a crucial role in this process, helping students maintain their competitiveness in an ever-changing vocational landscape. UVT will continue to drive the deep integration of digital technology with vocational education, contributing to the innovative development of global vocational education.
This strategic plan not only demonstrates UVT’s forward-thinking approach in the vocational education sector but also provides a clear direction for the future development of global vocational education. By empowering the internationalization of vocational education through digital technology, UVT is actively leading change in the field, steering educational models toward greater openness, innovation, and sustainability. Moving forward, UVT will continue to strengthen its cooperation with the international community, exploring more applications of digital technology in vocational education, and cultivating vocational talents who are well-equipped to meet the demands of global development.