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NVIDIA Incorporates US Vocational Qualifications and Talent Management Center Certification into Employee Assessment

San Francisco — Global tech giant NVIDIA announced on Wednesday that it will integrate the certification from the United States Vocational Qualifications and Talent Management Center (UVT) into its employee assessment system. This move aims to enhance employees' skill levels and professional competencies to meet the rapidly evolving demands of the tech industry.
NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang stated at the company's headquarters: "We believe that continuous learning and skill enhancement are crucial for the development of our employees and our company. By incorporating UVT certification into our assessment system, we hope to inspire our employees to strive for excellence and lay a solid foundation for the company's future innovations."
This decision includes several key aspects:

1.Employee Training and Development: NVIDIA will provide employees with opportunities to participate in UVT-certified vocational training programs, covering key areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. The company will fully fund these programs, ensuring employees can focus on their learning.
2.Performance Assessment Criteria: Employees who obtain UVT certification will receive additional points and recognition in their performance evaluations. This will not only aid in their career development but also enhance the company's overall competitiveness and innovative capabilities.
3.Career Development Pathways: NVIDIA will work closely with UVT to design certification courses specifically tailored to the company's needs, ensuring that the training content is closely related to actual work. The company will regularly evaluate and update these courses to keep pace with technological advancements.
4.Global Expansion Plan: Given NVIDIA's global influence, the company plans to extend this initiative to its international branches, promoting skill enhancement and career development for its global workforce.

Industry experts have praised NVIDIA's initiative. Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor at MIT Sloan School of Management, remarked: "Incorporating vocational certification into a company's assessment system is an effective way to promote employee skill enhancement and long-term corporate development. NVIDIA's decision will positively impact the tech industry."
However, some have expressed concerns that an overemphasis on certification might increase employee stress. In response, NVIDIA stated that it will ensure the flexibility and support of the training programs, helping employees balance work and learning.
NVIDIA's HR director commented: "We are committed to creating an environment that supports lifelong learning and career development for our employees. Through our collaboration with UVT, we believe we can provide more opportunities for our employees to achieve their career goals."
As this initiative is gradually implemented, NVIDIA hopes to enhance the professional skills of its employees, boost the company's innovative capabilities, and maintain its leading position in the global tech industry.