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The Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Establishes Global Talent System with the U.S. Vocational Qualifications and Talent Management Center

The United States Vocational Qualifications and Talent Management Center (UVT) and the Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) have announced the establishment of a strategic partnership aimed at enhancing the competitiveness and employment rates of the labor markets in both countries through shared resources and expertise.
The cooperation plan includes several key components:
1.Mutual Recognition of Vocational Qualifications: The two parties will collaborate to develop standards for the mutual recognition of certain vocational qualifications. This will facilitate cross-border employment for professionals in both countries, promoting international talent mobility.
2.Joint Training Programs: UVT and the Chinese MHRSS will jointly develop and promote vocational skills training programs, particularly in high-demand fields such as information technology, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, and green energy. The two sides will exchange teaching resources and trainers to improve training quality.
3.Information Sharing and Research: The two countries will establish a shared platform to exchange data and research findings on labor market demand, employment trends, and career development. This will help both sides formulate better policies to meet the actual needs of their labor markets.

4.Talent Exchange Programs: UVT and the Chinese MHRSS will launch talent exchange programs to promote mutual learning and work experience between professionals and students from both countries. This will enhance cultural understanding and promote diversity in career development.
When announcing the cooperation, U.S. President Joe Biden stated, “This partnership will not only improve the skills of American and Chinese workers but also strengthen our countries’ competitiveness in the global economy. Through our joint efforts, we can address the economic challenges of the future.”
Chinese Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Zhang Jinan commented, “Cooperating with UVT will bring new opportunities and resources to Chinese workers, helping to enhance their professional capabilities. We look forward to in-depth cooperation with the United States in vocational qualifications and talent management.”
Economists generally believe that this cooperation will have a positive impact on the labor markets of both countries. Matthew Bidwell, a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, stated, “The international recognition of vocational qualifications and skills is an important step in globalization, which will enhance the employability and competitiveness of workers in both countries.”

However, some have raised concerns about this cooperation, noting potential challenges related to cultural differences and the coordination of standards. In response, both parties have expressed their commitment to overcoming these difficulties through close communication and collaboration to achieve common goals.
As this cooperation progresses, UVT and the Chinese MHRSS hope to create more opportunities for workers in both countries, enhance their career development prospects, and promote the mutual prosperity of the economies of the United States and China.