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UVT joins hands with Google: launching a big data training program

UVT recently announced the launch of a Big Data Analytics Training Program in partnership with Google. The program is designed to enhance the skills of students and professionals in the field of big data to address the challenges and opportunities in a data-driven world
Big Data has become an indispensable tool in every industry as technology continues to advance and the volume of data explodes. Businesses and organizations are increasingly relying on Big Data to make cognitive decisions, drive innovation and improve efficiency. However, the demand for pioneering Big Data talent far outstrips the supply. To address this issue, UVT has decided to partner with Google on a Big Data training program to develop more highly qualified Big Data.
In the cooperation, Google will provide advanced data analysis tools and technical support, including the use of Google Cloud platform and related technical training. UVT will be responsible for the design and implementation of the course to ensure that the training content has both theoretical depth and practicality. The training course will cover data collection, data cleansing, data analysis, data visualization and other aspects, to help students
The head of UVT said that the partnership with Google will give students and professionals access to cutting-edge big data technologies and practices. This will not only help them succeed in their careers, the demand for which is nurtured for the society.
The Big Data training program will be implemented in several phases. The first phase will target UVT elementary students and faculty to help familiarize them with Google's big data tools and platforms. The second phase will recruit trainees from the community, including corporate employees, freelancers and others working with big data. Each phase of the training program will be co-taught by experts from UVT and Google, providing hands-on opportunities on real projects to ensure that trainees are able to apply what they have learned to their real work.
In addition, UVT and Google plan to set up a Big Data Research Center to promote the innovation and application of Big Data technologies. The research center will gather experts and scholars from all walks of life to conduct research and provide you with answers to practical questions from training participants.
With the advancement of the Big Data training program, UVT and Google hope to produce a large number of high-level Big Data talents within a few years. This will not only help meet the market demand for big data professionals, but also drive digital transformation and innovation across industries.
Google executives said they are excited to work with UVT to promote big data education. Through this training program, they hope to cultivate more big data with practical ability and innovation for the society