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UVT Collaborates with Harvard University to Establish Talent Development Program, Fostering Global Education Advancements

UVT  has partnered with Harvard University to establish a talent development program aimed at injecting new vitality and innovation into global education initiatives. This collaboration combines UVT's advanced experience in educational technology with Harvard University's authoritative position in education research and talent cultivation, aiming to create a top-notch talent development program.
The talent development program aims to cultivate outstanding talents with a global perspective and leadership through innovative educational technology and teaching methods, contributing to future societal development and global challenges. The program will integrate online education platforms with offline practical activities to provide students with comprehensive learning experiences and training opportunities.

"We are delighted to collaborate with Harvard University in our commitment to talent development and educational innovation," said the head of uvt. " "This collaboration will leverage the strengths of both parties to provide students with world-class educational resources and learning environments, helping them become future leaders and innovators."
As part of this program, students will receive guidance and support from Harvard University's professional education teams and participate in interdisciplinary teaching and research activities. They will have the opportunity to engage with outstanding students and education experts from around the world, collaborating to explore frontier issues and challenges in the field of education.
Representatives from Harvard University also expressed affirmation and anticipation for this collaboration. "We are pleased to collaborate with UVT in exploring new models and approaches to educational innovation and talent development," said a professor from Harvard University. "We believe that through the efforts of both parties, this collaboration will bring new opportunities for global education initiatives."
The talent development program between UVT and Harvard University will inject new vitality and innovation into the global education sector, providing students with broader development space and opportunities, and contributing to the development and progress of global education initiatives.