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Reentry Council

Welcome to the U.S. Vocational Qualifications and Talent Management Center's Reentry Council page. Our Reentry Council is dedicated to supporting individuals who are reentering society after periods of incarceration. We recognize the importance of providing opportunities for reintegration and helping individuals rebuild their lives.

The Reentry Council's objectives include:

  • Developing vocational training programs that cater to the unique needs of formerly incarcerated individuals, enabling them to gain new skills and secure employment.
  • Providing educational resources and support services to enhance personal and professional development during the reentry process.
  • Facilitating partnerships with employers and community organizations to create pathways to sustainable employment and economic stability.
  • Advocating for policies that remove barriers to reintegration, promote fair hiring practices, and offer second chances.

We firmly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to contribute positively to society. Through the Reentry Council's efforts, we strive to break the cycle of recidivism by empowering individuals with the tools they need to lead successful and fulfilling lives.

If you're interested in learning more about the Reentry Council's initiatives or getting involved in our reentry support programs, please reach out to our Reentry Coordinator.

Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those seeking to rebuild their lives after incarceration.